Sep 25, 2011

Publicity Photos - Carol

Ok... so it has been a very long time since I have posted anything.  It has been a crazy few weeks and I plan to make that up from here on out.  I've got a ton of things coming up that are hopefully full of photography moments and I plan to share them with you.  For now, we will take a look at some publicity photos I did for an author friend of mine.  I used to work with Carol a couple years ago in Public Assistance and discovered in the last year that she loves to write.  I read her book "Love, Lies, and Deceit" (which can be seen in a photo below) and loved it!

You can find Carol at a few websites including: Carol's WebsiteCarol's Blog, and Carol's Food Bites.  Be sure to check her out!

Below you will find some photos from our photo shoot a couple weeks ago.  It was a beautiful day outside... not too hot, not too cold.  We loved it.  The wind was a little bit annoying.  It actually ended up hurting some of the photos we took because it pushed Carol's hair up against her face... grr!  It was also an interesting experience because the sun kept popping in and out of the clouds.  One thing you learn in photography is that lighting is a HUGE part of getting a great picture.  It's tough to get things right when one second the sun is behind a cloud and the next it pops out to brighten the day.  As soon as I had a setting just the way I wanted it, the sun would move and I'd have to start all over.  However, it was an interesting experience and it gave me time to catch up with Carol.

Anyways... here are some of the best shots from the day.

 See how the wind pushed the hair up to her face?  Otherwise this was a beautiful picture!

 I like this picture!  I don't think it's a great "publicity" picture, but I think it's a really good picture of Carol.

 Another one behind the leaves of the willow tree.  Maybe not great for publicity, but I still like it!

 This is an excellent photo to use for her autograph for signings!

 This is one of my favorites.

 This is another favorite of mine.

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